Friday, February 1, 2013

The scholarships also advance Canada’s objectives for the Americas

Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP)

In 2009, Prime Minister Harper announced the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) to support the development of human capital and the next generation of leaders in the Americas while strengthening the linkages between postsecondary institutions in Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean.
The scholarships also advance Canada’s objectives for the Americas: democratic governance, peace and security and prosperity in the region.


ELAP Scholarships provide students with short-term exchange opportunities for study or research at the college, undergraduate and graduate levels. As part of the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program, select graduate-level students will be invited to participate in a study tour focused on Canadian democratic governance and civil society or other key priority areas.

Scholarship Value and Duration

The scholarship value varies depending on the duration and level of study. The scholarship value is:
  • $7,500 CAN for undergraduate and college students for a period of four months of study or research;
  • $7,500 CAN for graduate students for a period of four months of study or research; or
  • $10,000 CAN for graduate students for a period of five or six months of study or research.


Candidates must be citizens of one of the following eligible countries:
  • Caribbean: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos;
  • Central America: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama;
  • North America: Mexico; or
  • South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela.
  • who have obtained Canadian citizenship or who have applied for permanent residency in Canada are not eligible;
  • already participating in an exchange program in Canada are not eligible;
  • already enrolled in a degree or diploma program at a Canadian university or college are not eligible;
  • must be enrolled full-time at a post-secondary institution in an eligible country and paying any tuition fees regulated by that institution for the full duration of the exchange; and
  • must be proficient in either English or French.

Desired Qualifications

Priority will be given to candidates who have not previously studied in Canada under a Canadian government scholarship.

Terms and Conditions

Canadian postsecondary institutions must submit an application on behalf of each candidate. An application submitted which does not meet the following terms and conditions may not be considered for a scholarship.
  • The Canadian postsecondary institution must be accredited by its provincial or territorial government.
  • For undergraduate and college applications, an inter-institutional exchange agreement between the Canadian institution and the candidate’s home institution must be in place at the time of application.
  • For graduate applications, an inter-institutional agreement is desirable but not mandatory. If there is no existing exchange agreement, graduate applications which involve a new or established collaboration between professors from a Canadian and a student’s home institution will be accepted.
  • Tuition or academic fees will be waived at the Canadian institution for scholarship recipients, as recipients are registered full-time and paying tuition to their home institution.
  • A Canadian university or college may submit more than one application and may be asked to rank their applications based on their strategic priorities at the time of the selection process.
  • Applications submitted directly by a candidate or their home institution will not be accepted.
  • A scholarship recipient may not normally hold any other major scholarship granted by the Government of Canada.
  • Scholarship recipients taking courses must be in Canada by September for the fall semester or by January for the winter semester.
  • Graduate students conducting research must arrive in Canada between August 2012 and March 15, 2013. Failure to arrive during this time will result in the cancellation of the scholarship.
  • Scholarships are not renewable.
  • Scholarships are not taxable for either the institution or the scholarship recipient.
  • Financial reporting is not required from the institution or the scholarship recipient.

Application Process


Applicants are encouraged to read the instructions below carefully before beginning the online application.
Canadian institutions:
  • must complete the online application form on behalf of each candidate. Canadian faculty or staff members who are submitting applications must notify the international office of their respective institution as institutions may be requested to rank their applications;
  • must verify the data prior to submission and check the declaration and permission boxes;
  • must enter the information directly into the field or copy and paste it from another source. Applicants should refrain from using the tab keys when entering the information directly. Certain web-based special characters such as HTML tags may cause unpredictable results in the text, or prevent successful submission of an application. The information will appear as plain text;
  • must enter data in the fields provided, following instructions for each item (the official name of the student’s home institution must be provided in their national language);
  • can obtain a hard copy for record keeping by printing the form using the print function in the browser, prior to submitting; and
  • must click SUBMIT for the online application. A confirmation page and reference number will appear after submission.

Supporting Documents

The following documents must be uploaded and attached to the online application form in one of the following formats: .pdf, .jpg, .doc, .docx, .txt or .gif.
  • Letter of intent: a short letter in English or in French from the candidate describing the nature of their research or studies to be undertaken and explaining the rationale for study in Canada and for the choice of institution, program and supervisor. The candidate must also indicate how the proposed program of study or research will relate to their future career (maximum one page).
  • Privacy Notice Statement: a copy of the Privacy Notice Statement for non-Canadian participants signed by the candidate.
  • Proof of citizenship: a copy of the candidate’s passport or national identity document with valid dates; a baptism certificate is not accepted as proof of citizenship.
  • Proof of full-time enrolment: a short letter in English or in French from the home institution, on official letterhead, dated within the last six months. This letter must confirm that the candidate is currently enrolled in a full-time program and will continue to be enrolled upon their return. Copies of transcripts, a student card or letter of admission are not acceptable (maximum one page).
  • Letter of support from the home institution: a short letter in English or in French from the candidate’s instructor, professor or international director at the home institution explaining the nature of study and how the candidate and the home institution will benefit from this scholarship program (maximum one page).
  • Memorandum of Understanding or agreement between the Canadian and student’s home institutions: a signed copy of this document is mandatory for undergraduate and college applications. For graduate applications, if the exchange is made under a signed agreement, it is strongly suggested that it be included with the application.
  • Letter of invitation: applications for graduate students must include a letter from the Canadian supervisor indicating their willingness to support and mentor the candidate (maximum one page).


A new competition is expected to be announced in early 2013.
It is the responsibility of the Canadian institution to ensure that supporting documents are received by the deadline. Supporting documents, other than those requested, will not be accepted.
Canadian institutions are advised to establish an earlier deadline with the home institutions to ensure timely receipt of supporting documents.

Review Procedures and Conditions

Selection Process

All online applications received by the deadline that meet the eligibility requirements will be reviewed and evaluated for a scholarship. Should there be a larger number of applications than funding available, the Canadian institution may be asked to rank their eligible applications based on their institutional strategic priorities.
Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
  • academic merit of the proposed research or study that the candidate will undertake in Canada;
  • benefit to the home institution, supervisor and peers;
  • benefit to the Canadian institution, supervisor and peers; and
  • strength of the linkages to be created through the proposed exchange


Successful applicants will receive a grant agreement with further details and conditions from the scholarship administrator.

Payment Procedure

The scholarship will be disbursed by cheque in one instalment to the Canadian institution following receipt of the following supporting documents:
  • signed grant agreement by the Canadian institution;
  • proof of entry into Canada (copy of the passport page with an entry stamp, study permit or work permit); and
  • proof of international or national medical coverage for the entire duration of the recipient’s stay in Canada.
A cheque for the amount specified in the grant agreement will be sent to the contact person responsible for the scholarship program as specified on the application form at the Canadian institution. The Canadian institution must ensure that the scholarship amount covers:
  • visa and/or study/work permit expenses;
  • funding for the most economical round trip economy class ticket;
  • funding for health insurance;
  • monthly living allowance; and
  • required books, supplies, and equipment, not including computers.
The Canadian institution may withhold $300 CAN to cover administration fees once the scholarship recipient arrives in Canada. Any remaining amount will be disbursed to the scholarship recipient to cover additional costs. All funds, including the administrative fee, must be returned to the scholarship program administrator if the scholarship recipient does not take up the scholarship.


The scholarship administrator is not able to provide feedback for unsuccessful candidates.
These scholarships are subject to the availability of funding from the Government of Canada.

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